Monday 25 March 2013

ACPET course useful links

A summary of some links we may find useful whilst studying the ACPET mentored e-learning course

A summary of some great e-learning blogs

Cathy Moore

Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies


 Rapid eLearning Blog

eLearning Brothers

 eLearning eXperts

eLearning Academy - Connect Thinking


Blended Learning Trends, Benefits and Challenges

Connect Thinking podcast on blended learning

This is the third of three podcasts exploring blended learning and what it means for organisational learning. In this episode Connect Thinking explore trends, the benefits and challenges of blended learning in organisations.
This tutorial is also available on iTunes and the Connect Thinking E-Learning Academy blog.
The transcript is available at: Connect Thinking E-Learning Academy blog
Your host is Alison Bickford, e-coach for the Connect Thinking E-Learning Academy.

Using Google reader to keep up to date with e-learning blogs

Google reader and RSS feeds

Using Google reader you can add RSS feeds from websites you want to follow. RSS 
stands for "Really Simple Syndication" and they allow for you to catch a "feed" from 
various websites, blogs, wikis, audio/video sites.

To find out if RSS feeds are available on websites look for this logo or something similar:  

 E-learning RSS feeds to follow:

Copyright and elearning

Understanding Copyright in elearning

Creative Commons is a nonprofit that offers flexible copyright management tools for creative work.
Offering your work under a Creative Commons license does not mean giving up your copyright. It means offering some of your rights to any taker, and only on certain conditions.


Creative Commons links 

Creative Commons information:

 Creative Commons Content



Creative Common Licences

Attribution - This applies to every Creative Commons work. Whenever a work is copied or redistributed under a Creative Commons license, credit must always be given to the creator.

Non commercial - Lets others copy, distribute, display, and perform your work and derivative works based upon it but for non-commercial purposes only.

No Derivative Works - Lets others copy, distribute, display, and perform only verbatim copies of your work, not derivative works based upon it.

Share Alike - Allows others to distribute derivative works only under a license identical to the license that governs your work.

Visual Evidence Case Study - eAssessment

Using visual evidence in e-learning

Examples of real people using eAssessment to collect visual evidence in Australia's Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector in 2012. This video is #4 in a series of 6. Check out all the videos in the channel @ EVETQLD You Tube Channel

Blended learning in plain English

A brief overview of blended learning

Inspired by Lee LeFever (@leelefever) when he did a talk at RCAC in London Ontario in early December, this video has been a labour of love as many people do not understand Blended Learning and he hopes to rectify this.

Blended learning is a powerful change in pedagogy from the chalk and talk method of 'lesson delivery'. Teachers can embrace their inner 'Guide on the Side' instead of the 'Sage on the Stage' and foster inquiry, collaboration, and support the 21st century learner.

Please visit his website for examples of ways to blend learning and to optimize student engagement and acheivement - .

The big mistake in e-learning

How to use e-learning to concentrate on the most effective outcomes.

This video is by Cathy Moore and explores the fundamental shift that she thinks needs to happen to make corporate e-learning more effective. It looks at how we learn and digest information. It also analyses the breakdown of how to effectively allow our learners to retain this information by engaging in activities as opposed to being overloaded with information and text followed by quizzes. Essentially she looks at why a course needs to exist and how to extract the activities that need to happen to challenge and encourage learners to explore on their own to obtain the final outcome.

How e-learning can contribute to workforce development

Overcoming barriers to Workforce Development

Research from the Flexible Learning Advisory Group (FLAG) provides a picture of how e-learning can help to overcome barriers to workforce development.
Prepared by the University of Sydney’s Workplace Research Centre, the Enabling workforce development report investigates the impact of e-learning on workforce development in nine industry sectors funded and supported by the Australian Flexible Learning Framework (Framework).
The report identifies the type of critical workforce development challenges e-learning can help overcome. This is analysed at three levels of economic activity: individual, workplace and industry.

How e-learning is enabling workforce development

E-learning and workforce development

This is a great 6 minute video (created by the Flexible Learning Framework) on the benefits of e-Learning and its impact on workforce development. The video summarises the benefits of e-Learning in general and therefore is a great tool to show to potential clients and/or students.

A short movie about Moodle

A Moodle overview

This is a short 1 minute video on the functionality and features of Moodle. A great short intro video if you are not familiar with Moodle.

50 Customer Service Quotes You Need to Hang In Your Office

Customer service quotes that you may consider utilising in your business.

Customer service is tough in any industry. However, companies and organisations that produce incredible service to every customer have a clear competitive advantage. To remind you of the amazing opportunities that powerful customer service holds, here is a compilation of insightful words of wisdom from the best in the business.

50 customer service quotes link

What Would Steve Do? 10 Lessons from the World's Most Captivating Presenters

How to be an effective and engaging presenter

This is an excellent presentation about the methods used by the most engaging presenters. If you are required to present information to others within your job role, you should have a look at this...

What Would Steve Do? 10 Lessons from the World's Most Captivating Presenters

Thursday 21 March 2013

Using Yammer to collaborate on E-Learning projects

Yammer is a great way of collaborating on projects to share ideas, documents and project deliverables. Effectively it is like an internal or enterprise version of Facebook.

Refer to to sign up (for free) and get started.