Wow what a great conference! I learnt so much even though I had work committments that interfered with my attendance. Oh well...... However, I will detail what I did manage to pick up.
My First session
"An Introduction to Responsive design" was presented by David Drinkall from V2 Training.Check out the presentation at: V2 Converge presentation by David Drinkall
He has a lot of Quick Tips for E-learning at his blog: V2training Quick-Tips
In his presentation he spent some time discussing how you save your e-learning web content to a format that would be supported by all hand-held devices. To achieve this, he suggests Twitter Bootstrap as a free application. You can also obtain web templates from Twitter Bootstrap.
For a customised web theme at a really low price, have a look at Theme Forest and in particular the Synergy portfolio theme.
Other information I obtained from Tweets and attendees:
Big Blue Button online conference and meeting software is gaining more fans. Have a look at what is on offer by clicking the link above.PCP Remote: The essential tool for everyone using Apple Podcast Producer for recording of podcasts. Podcast Producer Remote (PCP Remote) can control several features of an Apple Podcast Producer Server
A great blog for animations, videos, images, graphics and fun: http://www.scoop.it/t/stuff-just-for-fun
A great website for infographics on e-learning, free music downloads for e-learning and social learning tools: http://elearningindustry.com/subjects/general/item/374-10-awesome-infographics-about-elearning
An e-learning template library: Only $299 per year for a subscription! http://elearningtemplates.com/elearning-template-library/
A great e-learning blog by Jenny Wood: Lots of tips, tools and hints: http://paper.li/jenny_wood/1314224354#
12 Tips and Tricks to spice up your bland e-learning courses: http://info.shiftelearning.com/blog/bid/246648/12-Tips-and-Tricks-to-Spice-Up-Your-Bland-eLearning-Courses
Twitter for Teachers - To Tweet or not to Tweet. A good video introduction: (There is also additional information on this website, but I have also inserted the YouTube video below: http://www.dontwasteyourtime.co.uk/twitter/twitter-for-teachers-video/
Top 6 Apps for flipping your classroom: http://www.avatargeneration.com/2012/10/top-6-apps-for-flipping-your-classroom/
An excellent website for all things e-learning. Including: The Moodle Tool Guide for Teachers and a social media guide.
Study an e-portfolio course on a MOOC at: sites.google.com/site/epcoplearnspace/
This is a session that I missed when I was presenting for ACPET with my beginner stream fellow participants:
Customising your course to suit overseas learners:
A fun session I attended with Mick Gwyther and Leo included interactive iPhone app "Buzz".
Check it out at: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/gameshow-buzz-button/id368599059?mt=8The final session I attended:
This session was presented by Julian Ridden aka "Moodle Man".
His presentation was excellent as it highlighted how you can make a Moodle course more engaging, entertaining and interactive for participants. Simple ideas like inserting small icons that were linked to an activity. The learner had to find each of these activities within the course, and once complete would earn a new "level" or "badge".
This is a great way to get learners involved and he noted that from doing this with his students that he obtained a 98% completion rate in that course. So simple but so effective!
In his presentation he also noted a large Australian medical organisation was able to improve student engagement from 15 to 75% just by changing the look of the course. I.e. Using icons to represent a unit or subject in a grid format, as opposed to the 'scroll of death'. Once each icon is clicked upon, this brings you into a new page with the course content. A great idea!
Julian may be found at: http://pukunui.com or by phoning 1300 466 635.
I spoke to Julian after his presentation to get more ideas on updating Moodle to a better 'look and feel'. These were some of his suggestions:
Use his theme "Rocket" for a modern looking Moodle.
Download and install Julian's Grid format plugin for Moodle to avoid the 'scroll of death'.
For free icons go to: iConspedia, Icon Factory & Icon Archive
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